Following are the Library Rules:
- 1. Library books are issued to every student on Library Card. The number of books which a student can borrow is as under:
- PG Classes: Five
- UG Classes Three
- 2. Meritorious students are allowed to get as many books issued from the Library as are recommended by the tutor/HOD.
- 3. Any loss of books should be immediately reported to the Librarian and the matter be settled within 10 days by either replacing the books or by paying double the price of the book.
- 4. Books will be issued for a period of 14 days (books which are in greater demand may be issued for 7 days). Delay will entail a fine of Rs. 5/- per day.
- 5. Student on leave must arrange for the return of books in time.
- 6. Books issued from the library must be kept very carefully and in no case be underlined or disfigured. If the book is already damaged in any form, it should be brought to the notice of the Librarian before getting the book issued, otherwise, the person who returns the book will be held responsible for the damage.
- 7. Reference books, rare books and periodicals shall not be issued except for consultation in the Library premises.
- 8. Text books from the reference section will be issued for overnight use only. The rate of overdue charge for such books will be Rs. 10/- per day.
- 9. Students must carry their Identity Card with them whenever they enter the College Library. They can be refused admission to the library or can be turned out of the Library if they fail to produce their Identity Card on demand.
- 10. If an Identity Card is lost by any student a duplicate will be issued on payment of Rs. 50/-
- 11. Students are expected to read the Notice issued from time to time by the Principal/Librarian. No excuse will be entertained for ignorance.
- 12. Students are expected to observe perfect silence in the Reading Room and not disturb others in any way.